
New Papers (2014/11/24-2014/11/30)

Global Biogeochemical Cycles
1. CO2 and CH4 isotope compositions and production pathways in a tropical peatland
M.E. Holmes, J. Chanton, M. Tfaily, A. Ogram
DOI: 10.1002/2014GB004951
methane; carbon dioxide; isotope; tropical wetland; peat

2. Benchmarking the seasonal cycle of CO2 fluxes simulated by terrestrial ecosystem models
Shushi Peng, Philippe Ciais, Frédéric Chevallier, Philippe Peylin, Patricia Cadule, Stephen Sitch, Shilong Piao, Anders Ahlström, Chris Huntingford, Peter Levy, et al.
DOI: 10.1002/2014GB004931
carbon cycle; GPP; NEE; seasonal cycle; CO2 ; TCCON

Climate of the Past
3. Effect of the Ordovician paleogeography on the (in)stability of the climate
A. Pohl, Y. Donnadieu, G. Le Hir, J.-F. Buoncristiani, and E. Vennin
the Ordovician Period; circulation model; CO2

4. Sensitivity of East African savannah vegetation to historical moisture-balance variation
I. Ssemmanda, V. Gelorini, and D. Verschuren
high-resolution pollen data; savannah; southwestern Uganda; vegetation

5. CREST (Climate REconstruction SofTware): a probability density function (PDF)-based quantitative climate reconstruction method
M. Chevalier, R. Cheddadi, and B. M. Chase
probability density function (PDF); pollen type; CREST (Climate REconstruction SofTware)

Geological Society of America Bulletin
Geophysical Research Letters
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans